Advanced Keyboard Tips
Here’s some keyboard tips:
– Use the PrtSc button to save a capture of your screen to the clipboard. From there, you can go into an image editing program (such as Paint) and use the Paste function to edit and save it. In Windows 10 and 11 onward, the PrtSc button can be set as a hotkey for the Snipping Tool.
– When you’re browsing the internet, instead of typing out the entirety of a web address (e.g. and pressing Enter, try just typing the name by itself and pressing Ctrl+Enter (e.g. type google in your URL box and press Ctrl+Enter). You can also use Alt+Left as a hotkey for the Back button.
– Press the Shift key five times to turn on Sticky Keys. Press Win+R to use the Run command. And, to make your messages a little more fun, press Win+. (Win + period/fullstop key) whilst typing to put emojis and gifs in your texts 👍